Monday, January 26, 2009

Rain Concrete Poem

The Season of Winter

The Season of Winter Kieran Elliot

What is the season that comes after fall?
If down by the lake you can hear the geese call

The choppy waves crash over the cold rock
Turning the rock into a hard ice block

Along the rough shore there is an ice cave
Made from the raging cold wave after wave

Ice made stalactites hang from the ice roof
If anything’s possible this is proof

The creek freezes flat and smooth completely
Mother Nature does work very neatly

There are icicles as far as I see
They hang from rocks, houses and even trees

The rigid waters are as clear as glass
When they freeze they will make a huge ice mass

The cold biting wet wind against my face
It’s Canada’s weather, so I embrace

My breath freezes right before my own eyes
It freezes in contrast with the blue skies

Geese hide in the bay from the winter breeze
It is a wonder that they do not freeze

On the frozen creek there is a huge crack
Like a white spider web on ice that’s black

The Inuk shuck heeds as seasons go by
Through the seasons it watches the south sky

Dusted over the ice there is some snow
When the wind makes it shift, it seems to flow

Big Icebergs are formed far from the mainland
It adds to the view that sometimes is bland

What is the Season that comes after Fall?
It is Winter the best season of all!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Canadian Indentity

Culturally diverse
Arctic mountains, lakes and forests
Natural resources
Air Canada
Democratic government
Ice hockey
America's neighbour
National pride

International peacekeeper
Diverse weather
English and French
Native people
Tim Hortons

Canadian Poem


Allan, Peter John (1825-1848)

A WOUNDED warrior knelt apart,
On the battle-field knelt he;
There was anguish in his iron heart,
And tears bedimm'd his ee.

And wept he for the blood that flow'd
In torrents from his side;
Or thought he of death's dreary road,
Or of a distant bride?

No selfish fears that warrior felt,
No blooming bride had he;
Beside a brother's corpse he knelt,
And tears bedimm'd his ee.

The dreams of boyhood's hours awoke,
That long had silent slept;
Old memories their fetters broke,
And o'er his spirit swept,
He bowed beneath grim sorrow's stroke--
He bowed his head and wept.

The tears of youth are like the dews
That fertilizing fall;
Let hope a single beam diffuse,
That sunbeam drinks them all.

The tears of manhood, when they flow,
Flow not like common rain;
Peace, reason, hope, they overthrow,
A deluge of the brain.

He gazed upon the pallid brow,
Once smiling pleasure's throne;
Those eyes how fixed and ghastly now,
Their joyous spirit flown!

Those ringlets, once a mother's pride,
Stained all with dust and gore;
The snow-white neck in purple dyed,
She ne'er shall clasp it more!

"Oh, may I ne'er survive," he said,
"My brother's fate to tell;
Why should I live when he is dead?
I'll fall as Edwin fell."

This poem shows survival because it is about two brother’s that are at war and one of them is killed, but the other survives and watches while the poet tells us how the soldier feels about his brother dying. This poem is very sad and mentioning their childhood together adds to that effect. The imagery is described in great detail such as how the poet describes the dying man’s tears and his brow.

“The tears of youth are like the dews
That fertilizing fall;
Let hope a single beam diffuse,
That sunbeam drinks them all.

The tears of manhood, when they flow,
Flow not like common rain;
Peace, reason, hope, they overthrow,
A deluge of the brain.”

This two stanzas are very effective. They talk about the difference between the tears of youth and the tears of manhood. I feel the second stanza is better written though. It means that when an adult cries it does not happen as often as it rains which means adults rarely cry. Also, it says when adults cry things such as peace, reason and hope are overpowered by the tears. These two stanzas are saying that children cry often, but it is easy for them to feel better and adults cry rarely, but when they do they have a majour break down. I feel this is a very well written poem because the poet describes it in such detail it makes me feel as if I was there watching this tragic event take place.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My Poem About Canada

Canada has changed me in many ways

It has been my home on the worst of days

I've lived in Canada for all my years

Enjoying looking past the Bronte Piers

The Canadian landscape is unique

No matter where you are it's never bleak

Everytime I go on a vacation

I miss my home Canada the Nation

I watch with pride while Canada plays sport

I watch sports on an arena or court

At my cottage I will spend my summer

Being up North is never a bummer

I kayak, I wakeboard, I water-ski

Because when on the water I feel free

In the Fall leaves turn orange, yellow and red

Daylight savings gives me more time in bed

In the Winter the white snow falls and falls

It's that time of year to sing 'Deck The Halls'

In the Spring the colourful flowers bloom

And the new fresh scent of Spring starts to loom

I'm Canadian and i'm glad to be

For it's a great country, don't you agree?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jounral Entry #1

I've been living in Burlington my whole life during the school years then in the summer I spend my time up North at my cottage. Where I live in Burlington it is a very urban area with little variety of elevation. There are however many creeks and streams that run through the community. For example in my back yard you can see a pond that is part of a golf course, often I see animals such as turtles, muskrats or beavers. In the Spring there are many trees and plants that come into bloom; my favourite being a tree in my front yard that blooms with white flowers.

At my cottage the landscape is very hilly, rocky and rough because it is located on the Canadian Shield. My cottage is right beside a lake and it is in a calm bay that is shielded by the waves that can sometimes be very harsh. There are a huge number of different types of trees that surround my cottage, but this can be bad in the Spring when I have to rake them onto a tarp then carry them up the hill behind my cottage. There are many opportunities to go hiking, biking or have a pinic because my cottage is deep in the woods and has trails. Since my cottage is deep in the woods there are also different species of animals that come out at night such as bears that try to open the trash cans (so we had to get a metal bin with a lock), chipmunks and racoons. I also have to work harder for things such as heat, if I am cold I have to go outside chop wood bring it back inside, start a fire and keep it going.

Living in Burlington all my life has changed my inner landscape to more of a laidback personality because I have been exposed to a variety of different worlds such as the urban lifestyle and the wildlife around it; instead of the busy lifestyle of living in a place such as downtown Toronto. My cottage has changed my inner landscape into more of a person who enjoys outdoors and works harder because I have been exposed to a plethora of wildneress, wildlife and having to work harder for things than I wouldn't have to work for if I was in an urban house.